Evolutionary Ecology

I want to test predictions of sperm competition models. I will investigate whether ejaculate characteristics differ between different social statuses of Seba’s Short-Tailed Bat (Carollia  perspicillata), and whether such differences match variation in testes histology, circulating level of the male hormone testosterone and of the stress hormone cortisol. Such results could be then discussed in the context of the social organization evolution. Indeed, we can expect that each males use different physiological and behavioral alternative reproductive tactics to ensure paternity.

The study is performed using a captive population. The bats are located in a tropical zoo (www.papiliorama.ch). The specific unit sheltering the bats, is the nocturama, a light cycle reversed facility, 40m diameters, round shaped dome. There, 450 bats are breeding all year round in semi-natural conditions.

Seba’s Short-Tailed Bat
Year Description
2011- Today

PhD student at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution (IEE) Evolutionary Lab

Male Reproductive Tactics in the Seba’s Short-Tailed Bat (Carollia perspicillata, Phyllostomidae)

Prof. Heinz Richner

2010- 2011

Master student at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Fribourg

Effects of beaver engineering on riparian insect communities

PD Dr. Sven Bacher

2006- 2009

Bachelor student at the Biology Department, University of Fribourg

The role of phenology-related genes in local adaptation of widespread forest tree, Populus tremula L.

Prof. Christian Lexer

2014  Fasel, N. J., Helfenstein, F., Buff, S., & Richner, H. (2014). Electroejaculation and semen buffer evaluation in the microbat Carollia perspicillata. Theriogenology, (in press)
Fernandez, A. A., Fasel, N., Knörnschild, M., & Richner, H. (2014). When bats are boxing: aggressive behaviour and communication in male Seba's short-tailed fruit bat. Animal Behaviour, 98, 149-156.
Monadjem, A., Ellstrom, M., Maldonaldo, C., & Fasel, N. (2010). The activity of an insectivorous bat Neoromicia nana on tracks in logged and unlogged forest in tropical Africa. African Journal of Ecology, 48(4), 1083-1091.